the votes are counted (all one of 'em) and the verdict is unanimous: i have thee most amazing fireplace in the world.
it's a lie to call it a fireplace when what it is is more like a fire thingamajig. my space is small so i couldn't go with some big honkin' thing. and my fire thingamajig fits in perfectly.
it's portable, which is nice. even if i don't have any intention of taking it anywhere. like, where the heck would i take it? to the store with me or somethin'?
it's lightweight.
it's contemporary, which i love. you might never have thought about this, but it's hard to find contemporary portable fire thingamajigs.
it's clean - no wood, no ashes, no soot. it runs on gel. true story!
it crackles! just like a "real" fireplace!
but the best part, and this is NO LIE, even though it's probly gonna sound like a lie: it is one helluva efficient heater! it is so efficient that, no lie, i turn the heat in the house OFF whenever i crank up my thingamajig. and even then, it gets up to about 78 in here. with the lowest temps in 20 years predicted up here over the next few days, i challenge anyone to a weenie roast.
(the pic below doesn't do it justice cuz it's not taken at night when my thingamjig goes all postal with the coziness. plus, the flames get really BIG! not to mention, this isn't my home - this is from an advertisement i stole online. shhh! i have pics of MY fire thingamajig on my phone but for some unfathomable reason it won't let me e-mail it to myself and then upload it here. i hate technology!.......
but i LOVE thingamajigs!)