
Thursday, November 24, 2011

food DOES equal love

not because the italians said so. and not because your grandmother from appalachia said so. and certainly not because my mom said so.

my mom thinks food equals bad. the less of it, the better. in her opinion.

you know how when company comes over and so you usually cook more rather than less? well, my mom cooks less. my mom's theory is, everybody's fat, so why make 'em fatter.

my mom watches her weight like most people watch t.v. in other words, constantly. if she goes up as much as half a pound, boom, she's on a "diet." she is thee most food-disciplined person i know. not to mention insane.

neither my brother nor i totally escaped food-relationship insanity. i mean, what chance did we have, right? but given the pauper's example of a proper serving of food which our mother gave us, i think he and i turned out pretty well, all things considered.

despite the fact that i grew up being shown that food equals bad, i have come to understand that nothing could be further from the truth. and not because the italians said so. and not because your grandma from appalachia said so.

but because Christ said so. i mean, basically, right?

Christ used bread - his body - to exemplify the penultimate in love. he used wine - his blood -  to do the same thing. food equals love.

happy thanksgiving, everyone.