
Saturday, November 19, 2011

schools couldn't function without the drinking fountain

kids like recess and kids like lunch and kids like gym but none of 'em like any of those things better than they like the drinking fountain. schools couldn't function without the drinking fountain.

drinking fountains, in general, are not all that enticing. if you're at the food court in the mall and you have a choice between the free drinking fountain and buying a bottle of water, you'll buy the bottle of water every time. and if you don't, there's something wrong with you.

drinking fountains in churches are almost always terrible. the water isn't cold and it comes out of the thingamajig too low. you practically gotta make out with it to get anything out of it.

drinking fountains at target or kohl's or bed, bath, and beyond are, well, beyond awful. they're always right by the bathrooms! who wants that?

but drinking fountains in schools? ahhhh........that's a whole 'nother story. drinking fountains in schools are a school kid's dream come true.

drinking fountains in school are your ticket outa here. "can i please get a drink" is every school kid's favorite question. it even beats "can i please go to the restroom" because if you ask if you can go to the restroom, everybody knows your business. but if you ask if you can get a drink, who cares. the end result is the same - you get out of the room - but you still have your dignity intact.

walking down the hall on your way to the drinking fountain is probably thee best walk you will ever in your whole life take. you can go as slow as you like and you can peek into all the other classrooms on your way. if you see someone you know in one of the rooms, you can get his attention and make goofy faces at him. and then he gets in trouble for laughing. and by the time the teacher comes out in the hall to see who was out there making the kid laugh, you're long gone. it's the perfect crime.

as you turn the corner and eye the drinking fountain, you slow your pace even further. you don't wanna hurry a good thing. you wanna stretch this out as long as possible. and besides, you aren't thirsty anyway.

but alas, as slow as you go, ultimately, you gotta face the music. you gotta catch up with the drinking fountain and you gotta get your drink.

but before you do, you look both ways. the hall is empty.

you turn the drinking fountain into a spittoon.

and then you sneak into the bathroom.

you return to your classroom, dignity intact.

ahhhhh........the glorious, wonderful school drinking fountain.  :)