people are always telling me that i should be a writer and they tell me this after they've just read something i wrote.
people don't really mean that i should be a writer. what people really mean is that i should make money being a writer. i don't wanna make money being a writer.
do you wanna make money riding your bike? or walking in the woods? do you wanna make money baking cookies with your grandchildren on a rainy afternoon? what about learning a foreign language? you wanna make money doing that?
writing (i think it's writing!) relaxes me. it helps me unwind. de-stress. when was the last time punching a time clock de-stressed you?
besides. don't forget about the time-honored value that writing has of allowing one to "express yourself." if i ever start "expressing" myself by throwing my money around, please. by all means - shoot me.
not that i think that money is evil. it's just that we all need far less of it than we think we do. as long as you've got something to eat and something to wear and a soft place to put your head at night, you've got all the money in the world.
i can't use money to say that i love you.