granted, abby is trained as an early childhood educator, but still. it kills me what a great mother she is.
yesterday, when i dropped off the laundry, i noticed that the playroom had a book about thanksgiving displayed in an artful and accessible way. when i was a young mom, i displayed abby's thanksgiving book(s) in an artful and accessible way, too. they were thrown on the floor.
but, no. abby had the book on the toy shelf, above the section of the toy shelf where the rest of the books go. in other words, kind of like how they display books at the library. only this wasn't the library. this was their home. the home with 2 toddler twins and 2-month old triplets in it, don't forget.
the rest of the play area was organized and "theme-friendly." that's my term, not hers, but suffice it to say that the whole thing coordinated. the theme is thanksgiving and the play materials reflect that.
when i was a young mom, my "theme" was thanksgiving, too, and abby's play materials reflected that - she had mashed potatoes on her dollies and stuffing on her stuffed animals. (come to think of it, having stuffing on her stuffed animals is theme-friendly!)
as i walked from the playroom to the family room, i saw the triplets on their backs, on their "play mats," and they were developmentally appropriately swatting at the little toys that dangled over their heads. they were dressed in coordinating outfits and all was right with the world.
well, not really. they weren't dressed like pilgrims. and the toys they swatted at weren't turkeys.
bad mother, abby. baaaaaad mother.