if you're "spiritual," you're lazy. and selfish. which is what i, as a religious person, am, too. except at least i admit it.
if you're quote unquote spiritual, you get to set all the rules. (and, by the way, if you're a "good" spiritualist, you basically don't set any. besides the "if-i-feel-like-it-i-will-and-if-i-don't-i-won't" rule.)
if you're quote unquote spiritual, you don't have to bother studying Scripture. you don't have to bother trying to figure out what Scripture means. you don't have to spend any money buying Scripture in the first place.
if you're quote unquote spiritual, you get to sleep in on sunday morning.
you get to "commune with nature" on a golf course and when you sink a hole in one you don't feel the slightest bit of shame about exclaiming, "thank you, Lord!"
you get to run around feeling vastly superior to those of us who are religious.
and that, my friends, is why i love Jesus.
AND religion.
(AND, by the way.......you.)