
Sunday, March 18, 2012

what the heck is so wrong about the word "foreign?"

good grief.

the word "foreign" is on the no-fly list which, right there, is ab-surd because how can you visit a foreign country if you can't fly to it?

the reason the word "foreign" is no longer A-O.K. is the same reason that everything is no longer A-O.K...........somebody got "offended."

the reason somebody got offended is because a.) somebody has too much time on his hands and b.) somebody doesn't understand the definition of the word "foreign."

the word "foreign" means another country other than the one under consideration. in other words, back before the world lost its mind, if you were an american and you needed a "foreign" language credit to get into college, you took french. well, now you have to take "the language of the country, france, which is other than the one under consideration, i.e. the united states." because if you don't, somebody's gonna get offended.

and it might be the germans. because why are you, little miss prissy from the high and mighty united states, taking the language of the country, france, which is other than the one under consideration, i.e. the united states, instead of taking the language of the country, germany, which would also be other than the one under consideration, i.e. the united states? because france gets all the glory, that's why.

but anyway. i was reminded of the ban on the word "foreign" when i had lunch yesterday at a turkish restaurant and everyone in there, except for abby, eli, my parents, the twins, the triplets, and me was, ahem, "foreign."

the table behind us was some sort of asian which, i know, how insensitive of me to refer to them as "some sort of asian."

the table behind us on the other side was some sort of scandinavian. i know, i know.

a coupla tables away were some folks who appeared to be and sounded to be mexican.

and our waitress was russian.

and would. you. be.- lieve.........not a single one of them........not a one!.........remarked about all the kids we were schlepping around with us. matter where we go........oohs and ahhs over the triplets and then when they find out that these two right here are twins, they just about pass out. but none of these folks did. none of these folks from countries other than the one under consideration even batted an eye. they were all so wrapped up in their own little conversations in their own little languages other than the one under consideration that they couldn't even bother to say hello.

or hola.

or whatever the hell it is that foreigners say.