you know how the answer to "are you better off now than you were 4 years ago" is always no? well, hold onto that thought.........
this is what human beings do: they create problems and then they try to fix them. and the fix is always worse, in at least one way or another, than the problem. the fix is either divisive (it's almost always that) or it's expensive or it's complicated or it takes too much time or it ends up in court. or something.
whereas, if we did things Christ's way - in the first place - none of this would have ever happened.
none. of. this. would. have. ever. happened. and really, that's all He was ever trying to tell us! that He has a better idea. better! and not only but i guess we don't like fail-safe. (unless it's contraception.)
we wouldn't have murder and then the problem of what to do with the suspect(s) if we had done things Christ's way in the first place.
we wouldn't have adultery and then what to do with the kids if we had done things Christ's way in the first place.
we wouldn't have financial ruin and now what are we gonna do and who's gonna pay for it?
we wouldn't have any self-righteous someone screaming in your face that you're a bigot and then slamming the door in said face.
we wouldn't have abortion because we would have done what Christ told us to do in the first place........get married, have children, love them, raise them. and thou shalt not kill them.
we wouldn't have benghazi and we wouldn't have had watergate. to me, of all the examples in recent memory, these are among the best. if you can know about benghazi and watergate and still not get it that human beings screw things up whenever they don't do things the way Christ told us to do them to begin with, then, truthfully, i guess there's nothing left for me to do than to pray for your ignorant soul.
which is what Christ told me to do in the first place.