look, i don't have anything against money, but on the other hand, the notion that we should get paid for the work we do is, in some ways, very odd to me.
if the most important job in the world is being a parent, especially a mother, (and it is) and if moms don't get paid (in money) for it, then my reaction isn't a feminist's well,-then-let's have-a-revolution-about-that-and-burn- our-bras-and-get-all-pissed-off kind of reaction.......
my reaction is, maybe there's something to be gathered and learned and celebrated about that! and maybe, if the people doing the most important job in the world don't get paid (in money) for doing it, then maybe the rest of us, who are doing jobs that at the end of the world don't amount to a hill of beans, period........maybe we shouldn't be getting paid, either! or at least, maybe not as much. (certainly not as much in many cases. in many, many cases.)
people in my profession - social work - complain all the time about the lousy pay. which, on the one hand, i understand and on the other, i don't. either which way, at the end of the social work day, i have always managed to have enough money to care about somebody. i've never been paid so little that i couldn't spare a little love. if they raised my salary, they'd raise it not because i cared more but because i produced more. and frankly, that just doesn't interest me.
in social work, as in everything, they can't - and don't - pay me to love. because love isn't money (even though 99% of us think it is). and if they did pay me to love, i would be offended. how dare they cheapen the greatest thing in the world to dollars and cents? and if you think i'm being pollyanna and unrealistic, then let me ask you this......how much should we pay your spouse to love you?
let's not fix motherhood. let's fix us.