tomorrow, i move.
to a smaller place - down.
to a less hip place - down.
to a place which will require me to commute to get to work - down.
to a place where bob evans is the best restaurant within about 5 miles - down.
to a place with no wine shop within about 11.2 (i checked) miles - DOWN.
to a smaller place - up.
to a less hip place - liberatingly up.
to a place which will require me to commute to get to work - i love to drive, so..... up.
to a place where bob evans is the best restaurant within about 5 miles - who doesn't love bob evans's fried mush? not to mention their blueberry pancakes? not to mention that i never eat out anyway because i love to cook......up.
to a place with no wine shop within about 11.2 miles - DOWN. DOWN!
to paraphrase meatloaf, 4 out of 5 ain't bad.