update on my ear issue (make that my ear issues - two, to be exact):
ok, so the noise - the pulsating swoosh swoosh is coming from my jugular, but he doesn't know why. and even if he did know why, there isn't anything they can do about it except maybe operate on my jugular which they aren't willing to do nor am i willing to have them do it. so, bottom line is, i gotta live with the noise. nice.
second, it turns out i have "significant" and "atypical" nerve-related hearing loss in the ear that also has the swoosh swoosh. (well, of course it's atypical......this is me we're talkin' about.)
ok, so i knew i couldn't hear well out of that ear but i thought it was due to the swoosh swoosh. turns out, it's due to a separate problem. not that the swoosh swoosh is helping matters any.
what is causing the hearing loss remains to be seen. i have to have an mri to help them figure it out. he threw around the word "tumor" like it was an everyday, ordinary word. like "wine" or something.
(on the plus side - the very plus side - he said that there's only like a 5% chance that it's a tumor and even it is, there's about a hundred percent chance that it's benign. still, doc. be careful how you say the word "tumor." you hear me?)
cuz i can't hear you.