there's a church real close to where i live and it's one of those churches that likes to put catchy slogans on their sign. their current sign reads, "love and work. only these two."
"love Christ and work?" ok, now that deserves a honk!
"love" without Christ is a lot like margarine vs. butter. it's good - but it's not good enough.
it's like doing nice things for others because your own reasoning has determined that doing nice things for others is the right thing to do; good.......but not good enough.
it's like giving money to a charity but never getting out in the streets and meeting the people that the charity is trying to help.
most theologians recognize 4 kinds of love - eros (romantic), stage(family), philia (friends), and agape. agape love is the best form of love - it's the kind of love that God has for us, that Christ has for God, and that we are supposed to have for God, Christ, and each other. it is a love so unlike the other 3 as to make the other 3, well, good - but not good enough.
you'd think a church would know that.