the truth about money is, nobody minds having it. they just mind you having it.
raise your hand if you would turn down a (legitimate) winning lottery ticket.
hand up if you would bristle at being left an inheritance.
the boss gives you a raise.
somebody puts a check in your birthday card.
your accountant tells you about a perfectly legal loophole.
the truth is, if you're truthful, none of the above scenarios is gonna throw you into a conniption fit. and the truth is, all of the above scenarios - with perhaps the exception of your birthday card (and sometimes even that) - is likely to make you at least think twice (if not blow a gasket and tell everybody to vote for obama) if they happen to somebody else.
the lottery ticket should be donated. at least part of it.
where's your share of that inheritance? what the hell did your brother ever do for your parents that you didn't do?
you. mean. to. tell. me. that after all. that. hard. work. you've. done. they give the raise to some. one. else?
ok, fine. so it's your birthday. happy birthday.
"i wouldn't wanna do anything illegal, mr. accountant. or even immoral. most of all, immoral."
a friend of mine posted something on facebook the other day about how bill gates has given something like 28 million bucks to charity and he still thinks that his taxes should be higher. so, whattya waitin' for, mr. gates? you can pay more taxes if you want. nobody's stopping you from donating however much you want to the government. go for it.
besides, mr. didn't build that company.