
Sunday, July 22, 2012

please give abby a trophy

blah, blah, blah, twins and triplets are such a blessing and yes, they are. they are also some of the hardest, most relentless work you will ever do.

eli can get away from it. he goes to work. not that eli's work isn't hard and not that i even totally understand what eli's work is, but whatever it is, it isn't as hard as abby's. sorry, eli, it's just not.

last night, we all went out to dinner in celebration of my dad's 85th birthday (God love his little sweet soul) and truth be told, i don't think abby enjoyed a single second of it. it was just work, work, work for her. not that eli didn't help - he did - but, well, the moms always end up with the lion's share of it. they just do. (not that i think there's anything wrong with that, by the way. i think that's the way it should be. don't get me started.)

so, anyway, abby works hard. she works harder than i do, she works harder than eli does, and unless you are the stay-at-home mother of 3-and a half-year old twins and 10-month old triplets, she works harder than you do, too.

so i want to give her a trophy. 

but a trophy will either get broken by the kids or it'll collect dust.

so, i think i have a better idea......

abby? eli? i'm gonna save my money to send you somewhere special. abby gets to pick. it can be paris, it can be frisco, it can be timbuktu. obviously, the more extravagant the trip, the longer it's gonna take me to save, but it's abby's choice. if you pick tokyo, tell me NOW, cuz i'll make boiled water for my lunch.  :)

i will take care of the kids while you're gone. it will be my problem to figure out how. i can be resourceful when i have to be. i'll drum up support. i'll find help. i can make it work.

now, shoo!