
Friday, July 20, 2012

wake up! it's NOT sleep deprivation!

unless you are a medical resident or intern, the parent of an infant, studying for the bar, flying across a bazillion time zones, or have some sort of bonafide illness or physical condition, you are NOT sleep deprived. so quit saying you are.

everybody these days is "sleep deprived." it drives me nuts because it's just one more example of victim mentality. "poor me, i'm tired, give me a break."

now, don't go shootin' off e-mails to me about how yes, you are sleep deprived and how dare i say you're not. i am not a dummy. i recognize that there are legitimate factors that lead to legitimate "sleep deprivation. staying up late to watch letterman is not one of them.

staying up late to party is not one of them.

staying up late in your dorm room trying to solve all the world's problems over greasy pizza is not one of them.

being a lousy manager of your time and staying up late to do the laundry or other household chore that you should have done on saturday or even yesterday at 6 is not one of them.

everywhere i go, everybody is "sleep deprived." i wouldn't give a rip about your "sleep deprivation" were it not for the fact that you want me to excuse you from your responsibilities to me because of them. i wouldn't give a rip were it not for the fact that you annoy the hell out of me with your, "duuuuuude! i'm tired! whadda ya want me to do, man?????"

what i want you to do is leave me alone.

so i can take a nap.