
Thursday, July 19, 2012


i don't do pinterest. not because pinterest isn't good but because it's too good.

i think everything has an upper limit. but pinterest violates that principle all. the. time. it is pinterest's job to continually do more, add more, be more. if pinterest ever established a limit and stuck to it, pinterest would be out of business. i get that.

i don't need an infinity number of recipe ideas. i have about half an infinity number of recipes as it is and i will never get around to making, well, half of them.

ditto with clever party ideas. besides, nobody ever created a party idea better than a keg. period. they just didn't.

i do not need idea after idea after idea about what to do with an ugly couch or how to turn my guest room into THEE guest room. i don't need a hundred and ten different ways to hang towels.

don't you people have enough information bombarding you from every direction all day long, every day of the year, without going out and purposely looking for more? how big are your brains, anyway?

the only idea that i have taken from pinterest is this:

don't do pinterest.