they call it facebook. we think it's some newfangled thing that we've only had since 2004.
we're such idiots.
facebook, as you know if you're on it, barely has a face at all. despite the profile pics and despite the cover photos and despite all the other endless stream of photos, it's really quite faceless. you can't touch anybody.
it doesn't really get its face until you......
meet up with these folks - often times again - many years later - in person. face to face.
what's new about that?
people (the smart ones and the not anti-social ones) have been meeting face-to-face since, well, since adam and eve. sorry, mark zuckerberg.
facebook, without ever actually meeting face-to-face, is a lot like what i have heard that many supermodels do......they soak cotton balls in various foods and food substances......and suck on them. so they don't gain weight.
facebook is like sucking on someone's teensy tiny profile pic without ever really sitting down with them over pie and coffee.
facebook is just a new way of saying "yearbook." but at least with yearbooks, you had to personally go down to the office to pick yours up and then you had to pass it around so everybody could write "U R 2 Nice 2 B 4gotten" on it.
and if i do forget, just friend me on facebook.