
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

chick-fil-a day

i have absolutely no problem with a private company believing what it believes. and neither should you.

i have absolutely no problem with a private company believing what it believes and if people believe that what it believes is wrong they boycott it.

and neither should you.

this principle is so incredibly simple to me that i am barely able to keep from falling out of my chair long enough to even type this. what part of "free country" don't you understand?

being tolerant somehow seems to confuse everybody. here's what being tolerant means:

being tolerant means not thinking that just because you think something you have a right to shove that something that you think down the throat of someone who doesn't think the same something that you think. period. that's what being tolerant means.

so if you think marriage is something that's between a man and a woman, fine. and if you think marriage is something that's between any sex and any sex, fine. and if a private business thinks the former and you think the latter, fine. don't go to the private business and feel free to raise as much holy hell against the private business as you want.

and if a private business thinks the latter and you think the former, don't go. and be sure to raise hell about not going.

and if the private business thinks what you think, by all frickin means, GO!

in other words, in the chick-fil-a war?

both sides are absolutely right.

and both sides thinking that the other side is absolutely wrong is.......

absolutely right.