i heard a wonderful analogy recently and wanted to share it with you:
before a baby is born, he or she (and from here on out, i'm gonna say "he" cuz this he/she crap drives me crazy, not to mention that it's INsane. i hate that whole gender neutral idiocy. get a grip, libbers.)......
ok, so anyway, before a baby is born, HE lives in an enclosed world with no "big picture" perspective. he relies on someone he cannot see to give him everything he needs.
he can't see her, but he knows she's there. he can hear her heartbeat, he can feel it when she rolls over. he can hear her voice.
he knows she's there. and he is utterly dependent on her.
he might not think that he's utterly dependent on her, but what he thinks is irrelevant. what he thinks is wrong. he is utterly dependent on a power higher than himself.
the world he's living in meets his immediate physical needs and, presumably, his "emotional" ones as well. he's in no hurry to leave.
in fact, when the day comes that he has to leave, he usually resists. he can resist for hours - sometimes even days. he sees no good reason why he should leave.......aside from some crowdedness and a bit of boredom, he's got everything he needs right here.
he comes out kicking and screaming.
and then he begins to see the bigger picture. he sees, first of all, his mother. the one who has been taking care of him all this time while he's been on a 9-month pool party.
he eventually grows up and begins to see and learn about everything else in the world.
and he doesn't want to go back. if you asked him, hey, do you want to go back into your mother's womb, he'd say, hell no.
but why not, you'd say to him. why not go back? you had it made in the shade (no pun) in there. when you were in there, you didn't want to come out.
because i didn't know what the hell i was talking about, he'd say. i didn't have perspective.
i didn't know.
so, too, it is with eternal life. we think it's better here.
and then one day, we finally see our mother. or, in this case, our father. Father.
and we won't wanna come back, either.
(haven't you noticed that no one ever does?)