"accident-prone." it takes the responsibility off of the person and onto the accident. it's the american way!
with that in mind, then, i propose the following "pronenesses":
- wine-prone
- road rage-prone
- selfish-prone
- stupid-prone
- intellectual-prone
- twitter-prone
- couch-prone
- government assistance-prone
- call off sick-prone
- dis religion-prone
- bounce check-prone
- vote straight ticket-prone
- junk food-prone
- food-prone
- fat-prone
- lazy-prone
- potty-mouth-prone
- stressed out-prone
- upwardly mobile-prone
- shopping-prone
- gadget-prone
- coffee-prone
- gossip-prone
- workaholic-prone
- inhibited-prone
- disinhibited-prone
- night person-prone
- morning person-prone
- porn-prone (gotta love that one!)
- anything but 'fess up and admit it's me-prone