what's the weirdest thing i have ever tasted?
there have been quite a few, but i think the prize goes to the word "work." here's what happens when i hear the word "work" (and it is, i think, the only sound that calls into play taste, feel, and sight).....
before i describe this to you, bear in mind that all of this happens in a flash. as soon as the sound is over, so are the sensations. when you read what i am about to describe to you, i think you will agree that this synesthesia is SOME. CRAZY. SCHNIZ.!
ok, so when i hear the word "work," i "see" a very irregularly shaped, very thin piece of frozen whipped cream. the shape of it is very specific (i can't describe it without using my hands to show you). i can "feel" the coldness of it and taste the sweetness of it. then, i see and hear it being cracked against the side of a counter top. it breaks into two distinct pieces, each with their own distinct shape (which again, i can't describe without using my hands) and then i see/hear (all the while still tasting) the two pieces fall to the floor, where they break into hundreds of little tiny pieces. the little tiny pieces don't really have specific shapes, which i think is odd. well, this whole thing is odd!
so, moral of that story is.....synesthesia is a metaphor for work - and life. there's the good, the bad, the sweet, and the broken. we gotta accept the whole enchilada.
other random comments about synesthesia:
billy joel has it. not sure which form. i think he may feel sounds, which would explain part of the genius of his music.
they think marilyn monroe may have had it. that's intriguing.
no matter how much i know that you don't taste sounds, i still can't believe that you don't taste sounds. the tastes are so pronounced and so pervasive for me that it just boggles my mind that you don't taste them, too. i feel sorry for you, really, because i have a rich dimension to my life that the rest of you don't have. course, the rest of you have happy marriages, so there's that.