what's wrong with me is what's wrong with everybody - sin.
what's wrong with me is, i'm having chest pain. or maybe discomfort is a better word. chest pain slash discomfort. my chest feels funny, ok?
i don't think i am having a heart attack. if i thought that, i wouldn't be typing this. i do think i need to see a doctor. and i am waiting to hear from mine so that he can determine if i need to go the e.r. or just come see him or what.
(so, what does any of this have to do with sin? plenty.)
i am likely having chest pain slash discomfort due to personal stress. the personal stress is being caused by another human being. the other human being is a sinner. because, really, what other type of human being is there?
if human beings weren't sinners, we wouldn't have any chest pain. or discomfort. or slash discomfort. not only would we not have anyone mistreating us and thereby causing our chest to hurt, we wouldn't have anything called high cholesterol and plaque and arteries that get all clogged up.
and we wouldn't have anything called diabetes. or cancer. or even a cold.
we wouldn't have people going into debt. or houses getting broken into. or hurricanes or floods. or stupid ass humidity!
we wouldn't have an.y.thing. bad. were it not for sin. sin brought down the whole shootin' match.
but nobody wants to believe it.
so, when i go to the doctor or the e.r. (or maybe both......what would that be called? the doctor slash e.r.?)......when i go to the doctor slash e.r. today and they ask me why i'm there and i say, "because you guys are sinners,"
don't be surprised if they have a heart attack.