this post is not about whether or not i think gay folks should be allowed to get married. this post is about isn't it ironic that straight folks have been arguing since the '60s that marriage is archaic and unnecessary and now gay folks are clamoring to do something that straight folks say is archaic and unnecessary.
i remember back when i was in college and how pretty much the last thing you wanted to say out loud was that you hoped one day to be married. saying something like that - out loud - could get you a thump on the head from ms. magazine. not to mention from every girl up and down the dormitory corridor.
folks started "living together" and they argued till they were insane in the face that "living together" was just as good - better, even- than getting married. better!
and now, along come gay folks telling us that getting married is better. or, more specifically, that having the right to get married is better than not having the right to get married. which is strange, really. because why do gays want to have the right to do something that their straight friends keep telling them is worse?
the point is, we always want whatever we don't have. because we are so, so self-centered.
jeeze. you'd think after all. this. time we would've learned something from adam and eve.