the word "tolerant," when you get right down to it, isn't much of a compliment. what it means, basically, is "i don't believe what you believe and what you believe makes me livid but i'm gonna try and act like it doesn't make me livid." that's pretty much it in a nutshell.
but our culture has decided to re-define the word "tolerant" to make it something it's not - acceptance. and to re-define the word "acceptance" to make it something it's not - celebration.
if i'm a conservative and you're a liberal and you are tolerant of me, are you throwing me a party? of course you're not. you're not even sending me a greeting card with the words "thinking of you" on the front.
if everybody would get honest here for just a sec, we'd all have to admit that tolerance isn't what we want at all. what we want is for the whole wide world to jump up and down for joy.