in a way, i guess it's art. art is supposed to grab your attention and whoa, this does.
the young woman who lives across the street from me who, sidebar here, is hardly EVER home (not that i'm gladys kravitz or anything) now has a bicycle in her living room on which she has strung tiny, little red and green Christmas lights.
it's just odd - that's all.
it's odd - but i like it. right smack dab in the middle of spring (my second least favorite season), i am reminded of winter (my first most favorite season).
i should probably go over there and pay her for having Christmas-lights-that-remind-me-of-winter strung on her bike.
but bikes remind me of summer - YUCK! my most hated season! hated, hated, hated!
but let's look at it this way - if i were gladys kravitz, (which i'm not - it's not my fault that i know if and when she gets home), i would have a samantha stevens living across the street from me.
which means......
if that bike with the lights isn't there today,
ima need more of those pills, abner.