it's been a tough week, which, i know, i know! - is a gift. but still.
actually, it's been a tough year. tough coupla years. i can't seem to find my zone.
i've been stupid at work. stupid. suddenly, all of my clinicial skills seem to have flown out the window. and i didn't even realize that the window was open!
i just can't hit my stride. i'm jerky. not a jerk (well, maybe that, too) but jerky. i feel like how everything looks when you're in a room with black lights. (do they still even make black lights?????)
i'm usually so organized. on top of things. ready to go.
i'm usually pretty confident. some might say overly confident. (some would probably be right.)
but lately? this week? this year? this last coupla years? i feel more like a fool than anything else.
no joke.