look, i know that i tend to be a people-pleaser and i say "yes" way more often than i should when what i really mean is, "are you freaking kidding me ????" but still, i think it is only polite to apologize for little things that you didn't do. take for example the situation when you turn the corner of the aisle with your cart at the grocery store and you accidentally bump into somebody.
that's not really your fault. it's not really anybody's fault - except maybe the grocery store's - cuz they don't have the good sense God give a rat. if they did, they'd put stop lights at the end of each aisle.
so anyway, you're coming down the aisle and turning the corner with your cart that of course has a wheel that won't turn like it should and you accidentally bump into somebody who clearly thinks he owns the store. even though it's not your fault, you do the nice thing and say you're sorry, fully expecting to get an "i'm sorry, too" in return and fully not surprised in the freaking least when you don't.
what you get instead is either nothing or a "that's ok," as if this moron thinks it actually was your fault, which, right there, that. pisses. you. off.
but what's even worse - and i don't mean to offend anybody with this but hell, it's 2011 - of course i'm going to offend somebody..............
i don't mean to offend anybody but what's worse, what really gets my goat is when you try to maneuver your cart around one of those handicapped vehicle thingies. i. swear. on. my. freaking. mother's. grave. (my mom is still alive, so bear with me here) that. nobody. can. give. you. the. evil. eye. like. a. handicapped. person. in. one. of. those. thingies. who. refuses. to. budge. a. freakin. solitary. INCH.
they look at you like you didn't donate to easter seals or somethin.
pisses me off.
speaking of getting my goat, though.......maybe next time, i'll bring my goat to the grocery store.
see how they like that.