you've heard that advice, right?
so have i, and i have never thought too much about it, but for some reason, i thought a lot about it today at the mall when i overheard a woman telling her boyfriend that.
my first thought - and really, my only thought - was, the job i have is the job i want! (so, now how do i dress??) :)
i think i am very lucky that the job i have - and the jobs i have had in the past - have all been the jobs that i want(ed). well, not counting working at burger chef.....nobody wants to work at burger chef. why not? cuz burger chef went out of business, that's why not, and nobody wants to work for a company that goes out of business. i mean, right?
but besides burger chef, the jobs i have had have always been the job i wanted. maybe that makes me lazy, but i prefer to think that it makes me humble, content with what is, easily satisfied, and not out to step all over whoever (whomever?) to get where i want to go (because where i want to go is where i am!).
i have never wanted to "move up the corporate ladder." i don't even want a corporate ladder........whatever the hell a corporate ladder is. hell, i don't even know what a corporate is!
i just want to go out to all these sad and abused kids and see if maybe i can help. that's all.
funny thing about corporate, though.......when abby was real little, she had this thing she called her "corporation." all it was, really, was an old briefcase that her dad didn't use anymore, plus a bunch of junk mail and a bunch of pens and a bunch of pencils. i think she mighta had a calculator in there, too. every now and then, abby would announce that she was going upstairs (or outside or wherever) to "work on my corporation." and she would! she'd go upstairs (or outside or wherever) and she'd get out all the pieces of junk mail and she'd scribble all over them and punch her chubby little fingers all over the calculator and sooner or later, she'd come back downstairs (or inside or whatever) and she'd announce that her "corporation is fine now."
we all got such a kick out of abby and her "corporation," but imagine my amusement when i learned (just a few weeks ago!) that abby's husband's brother, eric, used to have a corporation when he was little, too! abby's husband, eli, says it was the funniest thing (i know! i know! you're preachin' the choir here, eli!).....eli says it was the funniest thing because every so often, eric would gather up his "work stuff" and take it outside - always outside - to a specific spot in the sidewalk. not just anywhere outside on the this spot......right here....on the sidewalk. that's where eric's corporation was.
what i don't know is, what did eric do with his corporation when it rained or snowed?
wore a raincoat or a winter coat, i guess.
after all, dress for the job you have.