
Saturday, April 16, 2011

there are more people in prison who aren't in prison than there are people who aren't in prison who are

hardly anybody understands freedom. the best shot you have of finding someone who understands freedom is in prison or in a fox hole.

or in a church.

freedom has absolutely nothing to do with doing what you want to do. it has nothing to do with your "rights" (gag me with a spoon) nor does it have one iota of anything to do with going to paris at the drop of a hat.

freedom's got nothin' to do with speech and it's got nothin' to do with terminating an inconvenient (maternal) truth.

what it has somethin' to do with is freeing yourself from yourself - not freeing yourself from everything else.

martyrs who died at the stake were a helluva lot freer than i'll ever be. and a helluva lot freer than you'll ever be, either.

martyrs who died at the stake freed themselves of themselves and freely chose to come under the obedience of God. God  - who promises freedom forever, not just in this life, but for frickin ever, peeeeeople!!....... but nobody in this life wants freedom forever - everybody wants freedom now -  in this life - so they can say whatever they want to say (as long as it's not about God) and go wherever they want to go (even to paris at the drop of a hat, which, sidebar here, i've never had a hat like that), and be pissed off at whoever they wanna be pissed off at.

and feel justified about it. because nothing feels freer than feeling justified about being pissed off.

unless, of course, you wanna count eternal life.