in the first place, just dropping something somewhere is so foreign to me i can barely speak.
second, if i did just drop something somewhere, the first thing i'd do after i'd just dropped it somewhere is to just pick it up. and put it where it belongs.
everything belongs somewhere and nothing belongs where you dropped it. that's my motto.
actually, that's my parents' motto. my parents have a lot of mottoes and all of them can be condensed into one: don't just leave it where you drop it and don't just drop it. unless you want to die.
i was never particularly keen on the idea of dying so i never dropped it, but what i would do, just to piss 'em off is, i'd go through the kitchen, for example, and i'd open all the cabinet doors and leave 'em that way. just for the hell of it. or maybe i'd leave the water running. stuff like that.
the reason i'm talkin' about just leaving stuff where you drop it is, practically every single one of my clients leaves stuff where they drop it and they drop everything. i have one house where there's clean and/or dirty diapers just dropped on the porch steps. there's pop cans just dropped on the clean and/or dirty diapers and there's leftover pizza just dropped on the pop. (and no, it's not art.....or even poetry......even if it does sorta rhyme).
just leaving it wherever you drop it is so pervasive among my clients that i almost think it's a prerequisite for being a client. well, that and hanging your k-mart-taken family pictures in cheap frames too high.
every client of every social worker on freakin' earth hangs their family pictures too high. sometimes, there's only about 12 inches between the top of the picture and the ceiling. i totally don't understand this phenomenon. it's not like social work clients are super tall or something.
another thing that every client of every social worker on freakin' earth does is, they leave the t.v. on all the time. all the freakin' time.
or maybe they don't. maybe they just turn on their t.v.s (and hang their pictures so high a social worker has to break her neck to see them) whenever the social worker has an appointment. maybe clients hope that loud t.v.s and too-high pictures are to social workers what rat poison is to rats.
speaking of rats, they just leave those droppings wherever they dropped, too.