i love pippa middleton. why won't pippa middleton move in next door?
don't get me wrong.....i love kate middleton, too. and james. james middleton is a freakin' cutie pie. (why won't james middleton move in next door?)
i understand why kate won't move in next door - she's gotta have a place for all those horses and all those handmaidens. there's not that much room here.
but pippa? or james? what do they have that they need so much room for? i mean, frankly, pippa middleton's body is so tiny, all she needs is a thimble!
i've got plenty of thimbles around here!
i also love katie holmes. katie holmes and kate middleton kinda look alike, so i must have a thing about slim brunettes who are married to hot men.
or maybe i just have a thing about hot men.