there is a local radio station here in town - a talk radio station, to be exact (read: CONSERVATIVE), and they are sponsoring a "hot mom" contest in "honor" of mother's day.
it's official - the world is sick.
or, rather, i am sick. i am sick, sick, sick of the coarsening of life. sick of it.
God did not put moms on this earth to be hot. He put them on this earth to kiss their kids and stroke their foreheads with cold washcloths when they're hot.
He put them on this earth to stop wearing plunging necklines.
He put them on earth to get out of their own freaking skin (pun intended) and to be of service to somebody. (and no........not that kind of service.)
moms are one of the holiest creatures that God ever made - maybe thee holiest (with all due respect to Jesus). they are (or at least, they are meant to be.)
God so elevated women (yes, you women's libbers - dig that).......He so elevated women that he made them the vessel of life.
of life!
(apparently, being the vessel of life is oddly not sufficient for most women today. they would rather be the vessel of, i dunno......... death.)
God so elevated women.
(but 610 WTVN thinks they can elevate better.)