("why? just because of the color of their skin".......... oops, sorry. LOVE me some Temptations!).........
a young couple is moving out today and they keep walking past my window with stuff in their arms. every single time they walk by, the young woman is chattering her head off and every single time she chatters her head off, the young man says nothing.
so typical.
i know this couple, and i like them very much (they had the good sense to name their dog "riesling," so it's kinda hard not to like them)........but they couldn't be more male/female if they tried. she's all sweet and pink and finger-polished and he's all aerosmith t-shirt.
i hope they'll be happy in their new home......... ("honey! PLEASE turn off your video game and come tell me if you think the blue or the brown curtains look better!")
and, as they move out, my son-in-law's mother, debbie, moves in. with me. tonight. temporarily. until the triplets are born - sometime toward the end of the summer. she's here from california (God bless her hubby for being so agreeable). she's going to help with the twins and help with abby and help with everything. (God bless her for being so agreeable.)
i don't know if debbie has an aerosmith t-shirt or not (i suspect she probably does) and i don't know if her toenails will be bright pink or bright red (probably bright purple), but i do know one thing........
she'll care what color the curtains are.