
Saturday, May 21, 2011

the elks. no, not the animal.

i went to "the elks club" in my hometown last night. let me tell you about "the elks club:"

ok, so first of all, when you hear the words "elks club" what do you think of? i think of frank barone (raymond's dad) and all his cronies (and by all his cronies, i mean, all his old fart cronies) at "THE LODGE."


yes......the kind of lodge where the grand poo-bah wears one of those hats that looks like an upside down bucket - with a graduation cap tassel on the side. (or is that the shriners?)

yes.......the kind of lodge where husbands go to get away from their wives and do whatever husbands who get away from their wives do. (don't even get me started.)

yes.......the kind of lodge that's just like your grandfather's oldsmobile.

however.......... it didn't turn out to be that kind of elks lodge.

it turned out to be the fun kind of elks lodge where, despite what you might have thought before you went to it, you would be caught dead in it!

i had a ball.

they didn't have any good wine. bummer.

they didn't have a sauna. bummer.

what they did have, however, was salt.


lots and lotsa salt.

salt of....... the earth. the kind of salt of the earth you call "friends."

the kind of salt of the earth you call "friends that why i ever left them, i have no clue."

the kind of salt of the earth that, even sans good wine and a decent sauna, you're gonna go back.

and back.

and back.

the kind of salt of the earth that, even if the world does end today.......

they'll still be there.

they'll still be there.

salt of the earth.
