i am going to order a pizza for dinner.
abby had her cervix sewn shut today so the triplets won't be born too early.
even the thought of abby's sewn-shut cervix does not diminish my appetite for pizza.
i also bought a bottle of 2007 murphy-goode cabernet to wash down the pizza. i really don't care about the murphy part, just the good(e) part.
charlie and oliva are so confused and bewildered by what's going on with their mother who is on bed rest and their family that's changing and all the weirdness that's going on in their lives with 3 more babies on the way that even though everyone says they are "resilient" and they will "rebound," i'm gonna save them some pizza - just in case.
if the wine turns out to be more murphy than good(e), i might even save 'em some of that.