well, this is a first. this is probably headline news. this is incredible.
ok, so i was at target, right? (weekly fix)
i was at target and the cashier stared and stared at my t-shirt. of course, i looked down......to see if i had spilled something on it or if, when i wasn't paying attention, some pervert had ripped it off me.
nope. no mustard stains. no wine spills. no signs of pervert attack.
and so..............in the absence of all these things, i began to think that the cashier was the pervert! i was just about to turn my cart around and head for the next express aisle for people with no more than 15 items - yeah, right - when the cashier said to me, "excuse me, ma'm, but what does your t-shirt say?"
the two guys in front of me turned around to look at my shirt and when they saw what it said, they looked at the cashier like he was from some place a lot farther away than mars. (i could tell they were considering turning their cart around and heading for the next express aisle for people with no more than 15 items - yeah, right).
i, frankly, didn't know what to say. i mean, i was speechless. coulda knocked me over with a feather.
and when you throw in the fact that the target i was at is on olentangy river road, di-rectly across the street from THEE ohio state uniVERsity........well, it's a wonder i'm still breathing, that's all. it's a wonder.
so, i collected myself (somehow) and said to the cashier, i said, "um........my shirt says ohio state buckeyes.........ever heard of 'em?"
and he said - totally straight-faced, i kid you not - he said, "um, yeah. i've heard of 'em."
the two guys in front of me were in a sweat by this time. i mean, who could blame them? if this clown can't recognize an ohio state t-shirt.......in CO.LUM.BUS.O.HI.O, for the love of mike (who's mike?), then what reason do they have to trust that this turkey can count change?
the cashier soon enough realized that he sounded like a moron, so he tried to make up for his mistake by saying that he didn't have his glasses on and he thought my shirt said "ghostbusters."
i guess the dude must be co.lor.blind, too.
anyway.......don't shop at target.