
Thursday, January 6, 2011

the cutest kitchen

i love kitchens. doesn't everybody? if you don't like kitchens,there's somethin' wrong with you.

yesterday, i visited a friend's home and she has the kitchen of my dreams. my dreams, i tell you. and no, it is not upscale. it is downscale. which is why i want it so bad.

first of all, the kitchen is perfectly square. i love perfectly square kitchens. doesn't everybody? if you don't love perfectly square kitchens, there's somethin' wrong with you.

ok, so it's perfectly square (which is perfect) and then there's a side door to enter from the driveway. i love side doors to kitchens. doesn't everybody? if you don't like side doors to kitchens, there's somethin' wrong with you.

ok, so it's perfectly square and it has a side door and then, the kitchen table is  one of those built-in booth thingies. you know what i mean? sorta like the kitchen on "leave it to beaver," if you're old enough to remember that which, sometimes i think only God and i are. but anyway......

but anyway, so it has one of those built-in booth thingies and it forms a perfect square, too. so, what you've got is, you've got a perfectly square kitchen with a perfectly square kitchen table/booth thingie-do. who doesn't love that? if you don't love that, know.

the kitchen has hardwood flooring, but it's the original hardwood flooring - not some upscale, we-gotta-get-hardwood-flooring-because-everybody-else is-getting-hardwood-flooring kind of hardwood flooring. in other words, it's the good kind of hardwood flooring.

the wood of the cabinets and the floor and the built-in booth thingie-do match exactly which, off the top of your head, that may sound boring or like it's too much of a good thing but believe me, it works. the wood is sort of a medium, goldeny color and when you walk into that kitchen - from the side door - it's like walking into melted caramel. who doesn't love walking into melted caramel? if you don't love walking into melted caramel, stop reading my blog.

ok, so, we've got the perfect square, we've got the side door, we've got the built-in booth thingie-do, we've got the original hardwood floor, and we've got the melted caramel thing goin' on.

next, we have a country theme which, no, ordinarily i am not country, but wow, does it ever work in this kitchen! you know those stars that are so popular these days? well, this mom made a border (no, i am not ordinarily fond of borders) on the top of the walls, using stars. not painted stars, not wallpapered stars, but actual wooden stars, bing bing bing in a row, all around the kitchen. very nice. trust me.

the counter tops were the only thing updated - they were granite or, more likely, faux granite, but they looked great. they gave the kitchen just enough modern oomph to save it from being corny.

although, come to think of it, if this kitchen had been corny, that woulda made me happy, too.

nothin' like a perfectly square, enter from the side, sit at your built-in booth thingie-do with your orginal hardwood floor and stars over your head corny kitchen to make a person happy.