today is the 5th day at my new job and so far, everyone is nice. how can this be?
usually, by about day 2 (and when i say "day 2" i mean "day 1"), usually by then, somebody has already turned out to be a jerk.
somebody has usually let it be known that this is his stapler, not yours, and you sure as shootin' better not move it.
somebody has usually been irritated when you ask how to use the new fancy schmancy copier/fax machine. (sidebar here: social work agencies never have fancy schmancy anything but when they do, it is always the copier/fax machine. always. it is never the computer on your desk. never.)
usually by now, somebody would have gotten all "turf-y" with ya. they would've let you know your place versus their place - with the implication always being that their place is a much better place than your place - and you better not forget it.
by this time, somebody certainly should have stolen your lunch from the staff fridge.
but for some reason, so far, things have gone positively swimmingly at st. vincent family center in columbus, ohio. i know it can't last. i mean, can it? could there really and truly be a place where everyone is kind and patient and helpful and happy to see you arrive?
on earth, i mean.