snap! i'm sick.
people who know me know that i have the immune system of half a flea. make that the immune system of one fourth of a flea. one fourth of a sick flea.
i get every bug that ever came down the pike. and it seems that every bug that ever came down the pike is gunning for me and going at least 35 miles over the speed limit.
i returned to the work world this past monday - after a year and half absence - and, ba da bing, ba da boom, here comes cold virus numero uno. (cold virus numero uno may be dressed up in a cute little sombrero and he may be munching a yummy looking taco, but he's still a cold virus. and he still makes me sneeze and he still makes my head ache and he still makes my throat sore. maybe cold virus nombre deux will at least have the good manners to bring me a crepe suzette or a nice bottle of burgundy.)
so, anyway, how long it takes me to get sick is, not long. 5 seconds.
funf sekunden, in german.
(do german cold viruses bring you a nice beer?)