
Sunday, January 16, 2011

gettin' sick of this donut gig

as most of you know, i am the "donut lady" at my church, which means that i go to kroger every sunday morning and pick up the donuts and take them to church for the coffee hour after church. it's not that hard. except that it is.

without fail, every dang week, it's something. sometimes it's kroger's fault, sometimes it's the church's fault, and never is it my fault.

either kroger doesn't make enough donuts or they don't make any donuts. either that or the church forgets to order them. either that or the church gives me a check for the wrong amount. either that or the girl who works in the bakery got fired because she was eating up all the donuts (true story).

the lady at church whose job is to set the donuts (and the coffee) out on the tables in the fellowship hall doesn't have it much better than i do. either somebody "in charge" calls her and tells her we aren't having donuts this particular sunday (we are) and so she doesn't need to come in early to set them out (she does) or somebody "in charge" calls her and tells we are having donuts this particular sunday (we're not) and so she does need to come in early to set them out (she doesn't). either that or her key fob doesn't work right and she can't get in the door.

yesterday, when i was at kroger doing my own shopping, i had a little chat with the manager about the donut problem. now, you might be wondering why, if i have had so many problems with kroger and their donuts, you might be wondering why i am only now getting around to having a little chat with the manager. ordinarily, that would be an intelligent thing to wonder about, but in this case, and when i say "this case" i mean "every case," the manager keeps changing. so far, and i have only had this donut gig about 8 months far, kroger has breezed through 4 different managers, none of them capable. the current one is clearly no exception.

writing "donets" on his work order was my first clue.