this is me, pretty much all of my career: grab a form, fill it out, turn it in. ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom.
this is me, pretty much all of last week:
find the form on the G drive.
try to open the form on the G drive.
ask the first person who walks by if she can help me open this stupid form on the G drive.
ask the second person cuz the first person couldn't open it.
second person can't open it.
go down to my boss's office to ask her to help. boss not there.
go back to my office and try again to open the form on the G drive.
walk two doors down to the IT guy and ask him if he can open the form on the G drive.
IT guy tells me to send him a work request.
go back to my office and send IT guy his bloody work request.
wait 20 minutes.
IT guy comes over, takes a look, and says, "ah, i see the problem."
i say, "i don't see it. what is it?"
IT guys says that i don't have access to the G drive.
i say i need access.
IT guy says he knows.
i say, now what?
he says, you gotta get your boss to send me a work request to give you access to the G drive.
i send boss an e-mail, asking her to send IT guy a work request to give me access to the G drive. no, wait. i scream, and then i send boss an e-mail, asking her to send IT guy a work request to give me access to the G drive.
go home and sleep on it. or, more accurately, toss and turn on it.
next day, read copy of e-mail that boss sent IT guy, asking him to give me access to the G drive.
1 hour later, read copy of e-mail that IT guy sent boss, telling her she has to ask him to do this via a work request, not via an e-mail.
35 minutes later, read e-mail from IT guy, telling me i now have access to the G drive. consider replying to the e-mail and telling IT guy that he needs to reply to me via a triplicate copy of the work request rather than via e-mail, but think better of it.
go to the G drive, find the form. try to fill it out. it won't let me fill it out.
go over to the IT guy's office and say, look, i don't have time to send you another work request. i gotta get this form filled out. i now have access to the G drive - no problem - but when i click on the form and try to fill it out, nothing happens.
IT guy sighs, which is the male version of screaming, and comes over to my office. IT guy clicks a few things and says, sorry - i forgot to give you access to the forms. you should be okay now.
go to the form. indeed, i am okay now. ("okay" being a relative term)
fill out the form.
filling out the form takes approximately 5 times longer than filling it out by hand would.
click "print."
try to find the right printer. there are 16 of them.
find the right printer - maybe.
click "print."
access denied.
boss just happens to walk by.......ask her to help.
boss takes a look......."oh, nancy," she says, "that isn't the right form."
"it's not? it says it is."
"i know. i keep meaning to change the name of it. it's not accurate. you need to use the form on the R drive instead. i'm sorry. i should have told you that."
repeat G drive scenario with R drive.
7 days later, form is filled out and printed........on the wrong color paper.
"i thought you said to print it out on yellow paper," i say to boss.
"yes, but not the light yellow paper, the golden yellow paper."
think to self how funny it would be to take all the light yellow paper and all the golden yellow paper in the world and t.p. the agency with it.