
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

waiting for it to snow

waiting, in general, is hard to do, but waiting for it to snow is fun.

waiting for it to snow so bad that you have to leave work early - even if you did just start your job 6 days ago - is wonderful. it's even better than when it snows through the night and you wake up to find that it snowed so bad you can't go into work in the first place because when it snows through the night and you wake up to find that it snowed so bad that you can't go into work in the first place, you miss out on all the waiting. and the waiting is fun!

waiting for it to snow is a lot like waiting for it to be Christmas morning, but a lot less expensive.

it's like waiting for the first movie star to arrive on the oscar red carpet. no, it's like waiting for the first movie star who doesn't look ridiculous to arrive on the oscar red carpet.

when it snows, things slow down, but when you wait for it to snow, things begin to slow down, and that's half the fun. people at work start slackin' off which means you can start slackin' off, too -even if you have only worked there 6 days. and starting to slack off is a whole lot better than actually slacking off because when you actually slack off, you always got hell to pay later.

waiting for it to snow puts everybody on the same page - and, come on now, how often does that happen?

if you wait for it to snow on a day when you have a headache, suddenly you don't have as much of a headache.

your sinuses clear up.

your aching back? that feels better, too. until it starts to really snow and then you slip and fall down.

and then you have to wait in the E.R. for the doctor to see you.

like i said, waiting is usually hard to do.