
Saturday, July 9, 2011

does kate middleton ever EAT?


in other news.......

  1. jackson eliot weighed in, in utero, at 2.3# during yesterday's ultrasound. luke wilson and wendy jane bounced in at 1.15# each. these numbers are GOOD!
  2. abby's best friend made and brought to her thee most amazing piece of food i ever have eaten and probably ever will eat (and i'm not even a sweets person)........oreo-stuffed chocolate chip cookies!!!
  3. OMG!!!
  4. i am abby's personal laundress during the period of her confinement. (ok, what's wrong with that statement? one, that i am speaking with a british accent and two, that i am abby's personal laundress.)
  5. just kidding!
  6. sort of.
  7. abby has gotten a lot of generous food donations since she has been in the hospital........chicken parmesan, margeherita flatbread, couscous, pasta vinaigrette, pizza, burgers, and the aforementioned oreo-stuffed chocolate chip cookies.
  8. OMG!!!
  9. before kate middleton goes back to england, she needs to drop by abby's hospital room and help her eat some of this stuff.
  10. does kate middleton ever eat?