
Saturday, December 29, 2012

man in the mirror

before i tell you how to make a good new year's resolution, let me tell you how to make a bad one. or, at least, an incomplete one. a misguided one. (so, yeah......a bad one).

how you make a bad resolution is, you sit and think about what you think you need to do to be better and that's what you decide your resolution is.


what you ought to do instead is, you ought to think about the resolutions you would make for other people. so, for example, take your spouse.........what would you like him or her to do differently next year? what about your boss? your co-worker? your long lost relative? your friend. anybody. even strangers! what would you like strangers to do differently?

so, what you do is, you make your list of people and for each one, you think of at least one thing you wish they'd do differently. or better. more of. less of. not at all of. whatever.

and there, my friend, is your resolution.

my resolution, too.
