
Saturday, September 7, 2013

howdy, neighbor.

what's wrong with the world is, nobody borrows a cup of sugar anymore.

borrowing a cup of sugar means several things, all of them good. first of all, it means you're probably baking.

secondly, it means you trust the person you're borrowing the sugar from. heck, never mind trusting her, it means you know her - including, of course, her name. halfa what's wrong with the world -  right off the bat is -  nobody knows their neighbors anymore.

(i know my neighbors - sort of. i know their names which, as established above, makes me a minority right there.

i know a little bit about -  and in some cases a moderate bit amount about -  all of them. that's not bad, considering i've only lived here 3 months.)

another thing that borrowing sugar means is, you're intending to reciprocate. next time lisa (that's my next-door neighbor; see? told ya i knew her name) time lisa needs something, whether it's sugar or a screwdriver or a lift into town, i'll be there for her. 

the other thing that's wrong with the world is - nobody ever needs a "lift into town" anymore.

care for a brownie?