
Sunday, September 7, 2014

designer birthday parties

designer any parties. i'm gettin' sick of 'em. actually, i started out sick of 'em. and it's hard for me to imagine why the rest of you aren't/didn't.

creating a theme for your wedding? good Lord, no. please.

spending hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on your kid's first (or second - or third - or whatever) birthday party? good Lord, hell, no. please.

going to maui for your bachelor(ette)party? good Lord hell, no, please. get over yourself.

i don't know why anyone would want the cake to overshadow the, um, marriage.

i don't know a single kid who gives a damn about the ven.ue. (unless we have taught him to.) 

you think you deserve to go to maui for your bachelor(ette)party? marry yourself.

go buy your kid a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey set, for crying out loud. 

(they don't make those anymore? brown paper bag, crayons, scissors,tape, blindfold. done. under ten bucks. but, shhhhhh! don't tell the kids.)