
Sunday, June 19, 2011

a quick run-down of my dad

he found a quarter in a pay phone once and walked over to the phone company to give 'em their quarter back.

he forgot to leave a tip at a very upscale restaurant one time and so he called the restaurant to apologize and then he mailed them a check. for twice the amount he otherwise would have tipped.

i "forgot" to do a big school assignment once and i begged him to call my teacher and explain. he said, "explain what?"

he sneaked me cookies in church.

when i got hit in the head with a baseball bat and was on my way to the emergency room, he agreed with me, for the first time in his life, that "baseball is stupid."

when i was in college, i ran up his credit card one month way beyond anything that was reasonable. on a buncha junk that i couldn't even remember what any of it was. and he yelled at me. he yelled at me loud. and then he took the credit card away.

he put me on his shoulders even when i was tall enough to see for myself.

when we went to the dairy queen, he didn't care if it dripped all over the car.

actually, when we went to the dairy queen, he cared a whole helluva lot if it dripped all over the car.

but we went to the dairy queen anyway.