
Saturday, March 23, 2013

barometer for oldness

i never thought i'd be this age. if you're this age, you never thought you'd be it, either. but, alas.

if dry wine is so good, why isn't dry skin? why isn't dry hair?

i remember when i was a teenager (and even a young and not-so-young adult) and how my skin was so freaking oily! drove me crazy! it never really broke out all that much, but it was so stinkin' oily all the time. my hair, too. sometimes washed it more than twice a day! i remember back then, reading that as a female ages, her skin gets drier and her hair gets drier (of course, i don't remember reading this about men). and i remember thinking, ohmygosh, i can. not. wait till the day when my skin and my hair are dry. it sounded like heaven to me.


true confession time.......i just this week realized something.......i do not need to wash my hair once a day anymore (much less more than once!). i don't even need to wash it every other day. i know, gross, right? but, it is so, so true. the way i figured it out is, i had been having SUCH PROBLEMS with my hair turning out all dry and fly-away and disgusting for so long that it finally dawned on me.......remember those magazines you used to read, nancy? remember how they said that as females age, their hair gets drier? well.........freakin' bingo. so, i ran a little experiment this week......i went two days in between washing my hair and guess what? i got more compliments than usual, which, not bragging or anything, but i do get my fair share of compliments about my hair. (shout out to cindy bernhard, my stylist.)

anyway, i no longer wash my hair on a daily basis. i feel like i'm coming out of the closet or something, just admitting this out loud, in public.

which reminds me.......what, pray tell, besides sexual orientation perhaps, do men ever have to come out of the closet about?