
Sunday, November 8, 2015

can we talk?

we communicate often. but not well.

the digital age has brought us in regular contact with people we would have never in a million years known or had the opportunity to "talk" to. (yeah, i know......never end a sentence with a preposition. sue me.)

to be able to see what ben carson tweets? what the pope just posted? to see the inside of tom hanks' house? to listen in while reba mcentire explains what happened to her marriage? UNreal.

and yet, for all that intimacy, we know each other, i think, way less than we knew each other back in the day when we didn't know each other. you're just not gonna convince me that talking on a computer is equivalent to a front porch with some lemonade. you're just not. 

i get up every morning and within minutes of checking my phone and my laptop, i have been around the world at least 3 times. i know what tie vladimir putin is wearing today and whether or not it has a spot on it. i watch videos of tsunamis and it doesn't matter what time zone anyone lives in anymore, all you gotta do is click.

i see the pictures of your kids and you see the pictures of mine. here you are at a restaurant, laughing and looking adorable, and there i am at a restaurant, laughing, and there we are at a restaurant, and there they are at a restaurant and, well, the restaurants must be happy.

i can count the hairs on your cat's head.

i know when your blood pressure is up and when it's down. i know how much you weigh. i know if you're gluten-sensitive, doin' the PALEO thing or the Jesus Diet, how big your pecs are, and if you died overnight, shocking us all.

  but to think.......i never knew you.