
Saturday, April 2, 2011

why norajill makes me happy

i am supervising a master's student from osu this term and her name is norajill. i love the fact that her name is norajill.

norajill, norajill, norajill. i could say it all day long.

it's pronounced just like it looks - nora-jill. not noraj-ill or no-raj-ill or even noraji-ill. it's good, old nora-jill. except that it's norajill.

there's a cool story that goes along with her name and norajill told me the cool story but to be honest, i was too busy rolling the name "norajill" around on my tongue that i didn't quite catch all the details. something to do with she was born in nicaragua and they named her nora and then somebody or other or something or i don't know what when her family moved to the states had the name jill and her dad - or maybe it was her mom - liked the name jill so they tacked it on.

i love that story - even if i don't quite know what it is..........the idea of a "name in progress" is so cool, i can't stand it. they named her nora and a little while later (days? weeks? years? to be honest, i was too busy rolling the name "norajill" around on my tongue that i didn't quite catch all the details....ok, so none of the details....but a few days? weeks? years later, they decided nora wasn't quite enough of a name so they got more! who knew you could even do that, right? i mean, sure, i guess if you stop and think about it, you realize that anybody could do that - if they wanted to - but who knew that anybody wanted to? i mean, right???)

too cool.

so, anyway, i told norajill that i hope her parents are done adding on to her name cuz i like it just the way it is......norajill. such a lovely and unexpected combination of old-fashioned and perky. norajill.

norajill told me that's she pretty sure they're done. they're too busy paying ohio state university to be worrying about her name.